Stewards Pooi Tun Secondary School
End of Term Party for English Ambassadors
2023-05-17 (星期三)
The English Panel recently held an end of term party to thank all the English Ambassadors for their hard work and dedication over the last year. The English Ambassadors were treated to a delicious sampling of western foods. The lunch ended with all of the English Ambassadors taking part in an exciting lucky draw where they had the chance to win prizes. Both teachers and students who took part said that it was a very enjoyable way to celebrate the end of the term and they look forward to doing it all again next school year! Pooi Tun English Ambassadors play an important role in promoting English initiatives, leading activities and workshops and supporting the English Panel in developing a positive and meaningful English environment around campus. Some important annual projects which English Ambassadors play a key role in are English Lunchtime Workshops, Mr. Wofford on the AirWaves, English Week, and School Open Days.
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電話: 23265211
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