Stewards Pooi Tun Secondary School
F.2 Drama Competition Phase 3
2023-03-09 (星期四)

Form 2 students recently took part in an inter-class drama competition, where they performed various scenes from the Wizard of Oz. This project is part of the Form 2 English drama curriculum designed to enhance students’ English knowledge and allow them to improve their speaking and creative writing skills in a meaningful way. For their performance, students must take a scene from the Wizard of Oz and rewrite it to create their own unique and creative ending. Students then perform their dramas with the new ending for a panel of English and Drama teachers who select group and individual winners in different categories. The performances this year were all very well done and fun to watch. It was difficult for the judges to choose, but the following groups and individual students were acknowledged for their impressive work. 

The Best Narrator: 
2C Hui Chun
2C Kwok Hui Tung 
2D Lee Hong Xuan

The Best Actor
2A Hong Ka Hang
2D Chan Man Fung

The Best Actress
2A Choi Kee Ki
2B Chung Wing Yiu

The Best Script
2A Group 1
Chan Ching Yi Jessica
Chan Hei Tung
Chung Tsz Ki
Ho Tsz Yan
Hong Ka Hang
Ko Tsz Hei
Lai Ho Ching
Lam Yik Hin 

The Best Script
2C Group 2
Chai Sheung Kwan
Cheng Ming Ki
Cheng Tsz Tung
Ho Man Wai Helen
Kwok Hiu Tung
Lau Suet Yau
Lo Cheuk Lam
Ng Pui Kei

The Best Stage Effects 
2A Group 1
Chan Ching Yi Jessica
Chan Hei Tung 
Chung Tsz Ki 
Ho Tsz Yan
Hong Ka Hang
Ko Tsz Hei
Lai Ho Ching
Lam Yik Hi

The Best Stage Effects 
2D Group 2
Chan Man Fung
Chan Tsz Kiu
Cheung Wai Hei
Fai Wing Nam
Fong Ka Hei
Lam Man Hin
Law Tsz Ching 
Lee Hong Xuan

The Best Cooperation
2C Group 1
Chau Hui Lok
Cheung Shing Chit
Hui Chun
Lam Po Kit Jacky
Law Yat Hei
Ng Ka Long
Ng Siu Hong

The Best Cooperation
2C Group 2
Chai Sheung Kwan
Cheng Ming Ki
Cheng Tsz Tung
Ho Man Wai Helen
Kwok Hiu Tung
Lau Suet Yau
Lo Cheuk Lam
Ng Pui Kei

The Best Overall Performance
2A Group 1
Chan Ching Yi Jessica
Chan Hei Tung 
Chung Tsz Ki 
Ho Tsz Yan
Hong Ka Hang
Ko Tsz Hei
Lai Ho Ching
Lam Yik Hin

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